Read about the basic tenets of the MLSysOps project in the paper titled “Agents in the computing continuum: the MLSysOps perspective” which was presented at the 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomic System Operation in the Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum (MLSysOps 2023) that took place in Rende, Italy on September 26, in conjunction with the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2023).

The following papers were also presented:

A Minimal Testbed for Experimenting with Flexible Resource and Application Management in Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Systems

Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Optimizing System Configuration on the Cloud: A Taxonomy and Open Problems

Supporting the Adaptive Deployment of Modular Applications in Cloud-Edge-Mobile Systems

Transparent Handover of Automated Drone Missions between Edge-based Control Stations

AIRISC -A mmWave Angle-Insensitive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Communication System