Article on HiPEAC Info magazine

Our article on “Self-managing systems from edge to cloud: The MLSysOps project” appeared on the January edition of the HiPEAC Info magazine. HiPEAC is a European Network of Excellence that focuses on advanced computer architectures and compilation technologies for high-performance and embedded computing systems. The HiPEAC Info magazine is a quarterly publication providing the latest news on the activities within the European HiPEAC.


Presentation at the HIPEAC FORECAST Workshop

MLSysOps will be present at the HIPEAC FORECAST Workshop with a speech on “A Possible Scenario to Study the Security of 5G Communication in IoT Edge Cloud Continuum” given by Aya Moheddine from INRIA-Lille on Jan 18, 2024!

The presentation will focus mainly on the 5G communication and how it is implemented in the developed testbed within the context of MLSysOps project in addition to its security and vulnerability.

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